Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of emergency medicine, Isfahan university of medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate professor of emergency medicine, Isfahan university of medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Health Service Management, faculty of Dentistry, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran

4 Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

5 Department of Health in Disaster and Emergencies, School of Management and Medical Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran



Background: Resilience refers to human ability for adapting the disasters, traumas, pain, and suffering from important troubles and stressors in life.
Objectives: Regarding the people are exposed to various physical and mental health traumatic stimuli. this study aimed to investigate the resilience correlations in Emergency Medical Services workers.
Methods: The study was descriptive-correlation which examined 15 individuals for each scale and subscale. Therefore, 150 EMS workers were selected.
Results: All four variables, including the resilience, self-control, problem-solving style, and self-compassion, were above average. Resilience had a positive and significant correlation with self-control, problem-solving, creativity, confidence in problem-solving, and tendency (a subscale of problem-solving). Self-control had a positive and significant correlation with self-compassion. The final model was as resilience=0.454+41.317 (15.941+0.622 (self-compassion)) + 3.453 (tendency)+ 3.255 (creativity).
Conclusion: It is suggested to strengthen four variables, resilience, self-compassion, self-control, and problem-solving styles in the personnel by teaching them.
